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Forum Posts

Emma Crichton
Feb 07, 2022
In General Workspace
Hi everyone, Hope you've had a good first week! To build your contextual understanding, why not check out documentaries to ease you into analysing the context? How about switching on a 20 minute TED talk or two? Here are some other ideas from last year: 'Brave New World' on Netflix is about the water crisis, and highlights the role of engineering technologies and need for innovation. The episode Too Big To Fail in the series Our Planet: Netflix - and I'm sure other providers 😉 - also have some other interesting documentaries. For example any David Attenborough series or Zac Efron's 'Down to Earth', which highlights some of the impacts and opportunities with new technologies/ways of thinking. have an excellent back catalogue of shorter films on a range of environmental topics. What would you recommend?

Emma Crichton

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